We talk about: Growing up in Tyler House, a public housing complex in Washington DC and how Melissa’s childhood experiences led her to become an architect and later establish her podcast, Architecture is Political

- We do a deep dive on recent development in DC and why it is important for new construction and urban renewal to be rooted in place and history, discussing a few specific examples like the Wharf in DC

- We touch on Melissa’s extensive volunteer experience, the progress made by women in architecture, and how she would like to see changes manifested within the profession

- Lastly, we focus on the Architecture is Political podcast. Melissa shares a bit about her favorite conversations, how she studies and sources interview topics, and why she prefers to have non-architect guests.

Episode 109: Architecture is Political Crossover

This week we are joined by Melissa R. Daniel, a fellow podcaster and creator of Architecture is Political, a podcast where Black and Brown folks have a conversation about architecture. In launching and developing her podcast, Melissa shares her story of growing up in Tyler House, a low-income housing development in Washington, DC. Her experience inspired her to pursue a career in architecture. Through the creation of her podcast, Melissa is exploring her identity and the role architects can take in political activism and design. We'll discuss why architecture is political and how architects can stay engaged through their work.

Top 5 episodes from PodBible

Spotted a podcast you want to try from a Pod Bible recommendation, but not sure how to dive in? In our regular Divine 5 columns we ask podcast hosts to share five of their favourite podcast episodes and tell us why they’re worth checking out for new listeners…

The Architecture is Political Podcast is a platform for black and brown folks to discuss architecture and the built environment. Creator and host, Melissa R Daniel, shares personal stories and interviews about how policy, the architecture profession & industry as well as land use affects minority populations. Here are five stand out episodes for you to check out:

City Conversations: Low Carbon Housing as a Human Right

This event took place online on 22 September 2020 in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. An international audience gathered with a panel with representatives from three different continents to hear a discussion about the connection between housing and environmental justice.

Go to 41:00 mark.

Melissa Daniel takes the conversation in a related but different direction. She sees a continuity with the past rather than framing the problem in ‘new thinking’. She provides a historical example from her own city and very personal understanding of the block where she grew up. “We have been there before” is her observation on the ambitious low-carbon refurbishment projects in Washington DC. Learn through historical examination and personal narratives if we are not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. In this regard the contribution of the community elders is a key engagement – a theme that continued to be referenced throughout the subsequent conversation.

Exploring & Reminiscing w/ Melissa R Daniel

EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE**This episode features a conversation I had with Melissa R. Daniel of the Archispolly podcast. We cover a range of topics from safety in the built environment to the impacts on mentor had on her life.

Podcasts by Design

Architecture is Political is a podcast created and hosted by architectural designer Melissa R. Daniel. Defined as the podcast “where black and brown folks have a conversation about architecture”, Melissa explores the neighbourhood where she grew up in Washington DC and interviews various people in the built environment, from architects to activists and politicians. Episodes range from such broad topics as urban renewal and public health, Muslim women in architecture, gentrification and mapping segregation.

The Rona and Racism with Melissa R. Daniel

2020 has been CHALLENGING. COVID-19 coupled with Police’s been a lot. Listen in as we have a raw conversation as to how the world is affecting us and architecture. Website.

Listen to this episode from America's Hidden Gem the Podcast on Spotify. 2020 has been CHALLENGING. COVID-19 coupled with Police's been a lot. Listen in as we have a raw conversation as to how the world is affecting us and architecture. --- Send in a voice message:

Black Women in Architecture: Riding the Vortex - August 12th from 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern Time

For many NAACP CESBS Initiative members, a number has remained lodged in our minds from the Launch Summit in August 2018: 0.4% That is the percentage of architects who are Black women. There are ~ 500 licensed Black women architects in the entire country.

 You are invited to an incredibly unique storytelling presentation consisting of a panel of women, exclusively Black, in architecture, sharing their experience in the industry and offering a place for other people to share their stories, connect, and have discussions.

 Riding the Vortex is presented by the Black Women in Architecture Network - a resource for licensed Black women architects, those aspiring to be architects, and other women in design, planning and allied professions.

 Here is Melissa Daniel except from the five speakers panel:


Join Design Voice Podcast in this special mini series of episodes as we check in with different people in the architecture and design professions and hear how they are living, working, and coping during the pandemic.

Episode 028 - Design Drives Change

Join Layers of Design Podcast as we discuss the differences between being a Nigerian moving to the United States and being an African American born in the United States. We also talk about the importance of having black design mentors in different communities!

Hey, welcome to this episode! We appreciate you tuning in this week. I'm glad I got the opportunity to record this episode, because it gives insight to different perspectives on being a black African in the US. In this episode, I'm humbled to have an interesting conversation with Melissa R.

Ep. 17: Black Urbanists Speak Out Series #2 - Blacks in Architecture 

Join The Urban Planner’s Podcast as Gigi continues her 6-week series called Black Urbanists Speak Out. She interviewed fellow podcasters, Melissa Daniel from the Architecture is Political podcast and Kyrah Williams and Kemet Floyd from America’s Hidden Gem The Podcast. They discuss their life experiences being in the architecture field from college to the workforce. 

Listen to this episode from The Urban Planner's Podcast on Spotify. In today's episode, Gigi continues her 6-week series called Black Urbanists Speak Out. She interviewed fellow podcasters, Melissa Daniel from the Architecture is Political podcast and Kyrah Williams and Kemet Floyd from America's Hidden Gem The Podcast.


The Power of Authenticity in Audio: Remaining Authentic in a Racially Charged Society

As a podcaster of color, how do you remain authentic to your unique voice, and experience in a racially charged society?Many podcasters of color desire to express their authentic selves, and viewpoints without constraints. However, how do podcasters of color in a racially charged society find that perfect medium without compromising who they are?

Join The Gotham’s Expanding Communities program in partnership with The Black & Brown Podcast Collective for a discussion on remaining authentic and true to one’s experience. Specifically, you’ll hear podcasters share tips on how to stay authentic to your unique story and voice.

Noir Design Parti Trailer

Introduction Teaster Video for Black Architects work in Michigan. Making their work visible as a collective study.

SUBSCRIBE for more videos:

Where Was Jim Crow? Living in Frank Lloyd Wright’s America

Dianne Harris illuminates architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s role in the history of the divided and segregated American city. Mabel Wilson, Professor of Architecture and Director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies at Columbia University will join Dr. Harris in a discussion following the lecture.

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Black Women in Architecture & Design

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How do we respond to anti-Black racism in urbanist practices and conversations?

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Live interview with Mariam Kamara for Virtual Design Festival

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Race and Architecture - How do we decolonize design?

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